Your Health is Your Wealth!

“they’re gonna stick a needle in us when we’re 90 and make us live longer, whether we like it or not” This lil’ funny was on furlough for the past …

Free Your Fascia !

Recommended reading for anyone involved in mindful movement therapy practices: Way back at Bikram TTC 2001 Bikram brought in some engrossing teachers from other spheres to do workshops with us …

FIRST TO CLOSE LAST TO OPEN. WHY?…/jersey-business-leaders-say-open… WE SEE NO SIGNS of our ‘sectors reopening constantly being under review’. Jersey gov’t are way too quiet about our sector. Say it out loud folks: the trade off …


Have you ever heard the expression ‘if your gonna be tight be tight on both sides’ ? 🙂 Think about it!  One sure way your body will be MORE vulnerable …

Stiff As a Board V. Bendy Like a Pretzel

My friend remembered a conversation we had recently and tagged me in a clip yesterday (attached and… it got me thinking… 🙂 Walk down the street and look closely. …

The Night Before Yogi Christmas

A’fore the night b’fore Christmas, I have something to say! I’ve been thinking of things that might lighten your day Just now! It has struck me ~ You don’t need …

Nobody wants to get side lined by injury in their chosen sporting activity. Consider bringing your body into balance by adding Bikram Yoga to your training regime. Training in a …

Once Upon a Midnight Dreary…

Watched ‘Simpsons’ last night (yeah this is what I do when I get a night off :)) and Homer’s version of Poe’s ‘The Raven’ and of course it got me …

Never Be Afraid of the BackwardBends !

~BACK PAIN CONSIDERATIONS for your Bikram Yoga practice~ DIAGNOSIS: Firstly, the instructors at YM are Yoga instructors and are not qualified to assess your pain. If pain is severe or …

Bone Matters

We work on the 26/2 diligently, a group of people in our unique bodies. We regulars know it is clearly not one size fits all. In this post I am …

Bikram Yoga works on you Outside & In

Which is more important? So what if you can’t get into the perceived “ideal” form of an asana? Many who receive benefits from Bikram aren’t necessarily those for whom something …

Thumbs Up!

Whist I was tightening up all my bits preparing for Part I Utkatasana today I suddenly became excessively aware of my THUMBS! I feel them, any movement, they feel strong, …

Darren’s Yoga Story

INSTRUCTOR PROFILE ~ DARREN So the year is 1999, I’m an asthmatic plumber with a bad back, a dodgy left knee, one kidney and a new girlfriend who is crazy …

Who Am I to Define Bikram Yoga?

It doesn’t belong to me. It doesn’t belong to Bikram. It is for each practitioner to discover and define for themselves. But the teacher has to try to give a sense …

Skiers & Snowboarders

! CALLING ALL SNOWBOARDERS AND SKIERS ! Bikram Yoga can be an excellent way to train for ‘SHREDDIN’ THE CHOWDER’ :). A regular practice will improve your body’s overall flexibility …

Come Back to Your Yoga Practice

~ ! We’ve missed you shiny happy people! ~ It is always hard to find the right words for something that is essentially experiential. Words are limiting; my explanations seem …

How to approach your practice…

The sequence performed as a ‘whole’ is what maximises benefits. Practicing the sequence nourishes and invigorates the entire body and mind as well as enabling one to access their own …