You exist You are real You are valuable You are not alone Please. Don’t get this blog intent wrong… in no way shape or form would I wish to diminish …
HOW NOW 2020?
WHAT.a.year. It has been MASSIVE in terms of our Yoga community locally AND globally. The world in its changing feels freefall and less predictable at the moment; where will we …
‘out of office / gone to Yoga Matters’
picked up ‘Business Life’ local mag at airport {Sep19}; ‘twas the cover that caught my attention “DUTY OF CARE, ITS TIME TO FACE UP TO STARK STATISTICS ABOUT EMPLOYEES MENTAL …
How To Get The Monkeys Out Of Your Temple
Your Body is a Temple 🙂 . It’s where you live, love, learn, dream. Sadly, you may also be sharing it with a few squatters. Yup. The monkeys. A little …
Life is Difficult
Hello. I love ‘journey’s; and constantly re-checking that I am on the right journey and not at the wrong destination! I am going to blatantly paraphrase the first paragraph of …