You and Us

Yoga means union. In the Yoga world I have heard numerous constructions placed on what this “union” means; all of them right. As a starting point consider that the union is that of the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness and is a means of balancing and harmonising the body, mind and emotions.
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Register on Momoyoga App for ‘Live’ SCHEDULE
To attend: ‘Advance Register‘ on MomoyogaApp (i.e. ‘no walk ins’)

Fees (payable in advance)
‘First Time to YM Ever?’ £10
(single use pass first class only)
‘Single Bikram Pass’ £15
‘Single HOT45 Pass’ £11
’10 Class Pass’ discounted fee £100 (valid 6 months)
Mat rental £1
Towel rental £1
Mat purchase £25
‘BIKRAM’ Class Times
(Register on Momoyoga for ‘LIVE’ Schedule)
Monday 5.30pm
Tuesday 9.30am & 6pm
Wednesday 5.30pm
Thursday 9.30am & 6pm
Saturday 4pm
Sunday 9.30am
‘HOT 45’ Class Time
(can buy ‘single pass’ or use discounted Bikram 10classpass)
Wednesday 7am

Contact Us

Yoga Matters is on Rue De Funchal just off Minden Place/Burrard Street; opposite beige brick building Ed Le Quesne House. We are in a pale yellow building with black painted door. Our reception door is a beautiful shade of purple (like our website). If you cannot find us please give us a call and we will come out and meet you.
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