After first backward bend we will still be moving in the Sagittal plane to a posture that is amongst other things, a mild inversion. BUT we pause first {immediate or …
Please respect the need for ‘Sweatiquettes’… we are a tiny studio… one instructor on hand per class to do EVERYTHING… We do not have the resources to hire a team …
****scroll down to see 26/8/21 ‘Stage 7’ update**** We are so happy and excited to be able to WELCOME YOU BACK to our little Yoga school. To help you feel …
You are the driver…
Dear Practitioners Having received a parking ticket at Langford Friday evening for forgetting to display ‘time arrived’ (ouch!) it got me thinking on the whole parking and driving to Yoga …
getting back to that sacred space
Excitement is starting to build… We will be starting back with our FULL SCHEDULE ~ YES! Bikram Yoga EVERYDAY! Sometimes TWICE! Because Bikram practitioners deserve to be able to practice …
Yoga Ethics ~ Part III ~ Niyamas (Observances)
Remember from Part I & Part II we are focusing in on how you can apply Yoga ethics when you are at Yoga school and on your mat. The Niyamas …
Designed BY Universe, Shaped BY Life
BY nature we are asymmetrical beings; parts of our anatomy are asymmetrical (e.g. contents of torso). Some muscles are highly active whilst others have been inhibited; a loop effect creates …
WE SHOULD BE GRATEFUL if you’d factor this IN When PLANNING your next TRIP TO YM So you actually make it to CLASS ON TIME ‘Driving-Tips’ is so Yogis dodge …
Some very depressing things have happened in the Yoga world over the years including abuse of power and abuse of students; devastating blows to the sanctity of the teacher/student relationship; …
THANK YOU to ALL who have kept us company this year. Our longer term practitioners hold glad space in our hearts but more have joined that space this year than …
It is hard to know where to start on this point. Harder still to know where the stop!! AGNI The fire of digestion resides in the belly area. It is …
Method in the Madness!
This post might help you when explaining to friends/family how a Bikram Yoga class works 🙂 A Bikram Yoga class is not the place for deep meaningful explanations about all …
After 2 posts about ‘seeing’ your Yoga I thought I better ‘Yin’ it out with a couple of ‘FEELING’ your Yoga post :). Its all about balance 🙂 : Sometimes …
Do you obey what your eyes show you or do you feel your Yoga? Some might say feeling your Yoga is King but as a beginner the reality can be …
This is another tricky but necessary post to write because some of the issues highlighted are completely avoidable if one preps for first class by reading the information on the …
~ YOGA and the MATTER of TERMS ~
This is a TRICKY post to write because we know that the idea of ‘TERMS’ attaching to a Yoga practice for some appear to conflict with a fantasy of what …
PREAMBLE Oh Good Lord! there’s a ‘preamble’! this one is going to be a long one! 🙂 There is so much to write about in Yoga, I often don’t know …
Mad Mat Matters I
We have recently put an order in for all new studio mats. We are always excited when we get new mats; it always feels so fresh. By end of this …
Illuminating Standing Resting Position
STANDING. Simple in itself but more to it in a practicing Yoga scenario than you might think. I remember having conversations with fellow Bikram Yogi’s on my training and over …
Never Be Afraid of the BackwardBends !
~BACK PAIN CONSIDERATIONS for your Bikram Yoga practice~ DIAGNOSIS: Firstly, the instructors at YM are Yoga instructors and are not qualified to assess your pain. If pain is severe or …
Bone Matters
We work on the 26/2 diligently, a group of people in our unique bodies. We regulars know it is clearly not one size fits all. In this post I am …
You Are Breathing Your Alive. You Are Not Breathing Your Dead. RIGHT?
You are barely breathing your still alive! It’s AMAZING! We come into this world on an Inhale and we go out on an Exhale; surely that is all we need …
!Final Warning! This is a REALLY Long Water/Hydration Post
I bet you thought I had run out of things to say to you about Bikram Yoga and hydration? HAHAHAheeheehee you ARE funny! preamble to this post So in this …
Oh What to Wear to Yoga!
mmm I am sure many thousands of hours have been spent contemplating this one around the globe 🙂 For Bikram Yoga keep it simple; less is more. MODESTY PREVAILING of course! …
Strange Doctor
“YOU HAVE A VERY STRONG OPINION FOR SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.” A little man in a sharp suit walked into my reception at 5.40 …
Step Right Up For the Trip of a Life Time
Have you time to take a Bikram journey to explore the unknown Self and discover untapped possibilities within? A VITAL HEALTHY BODY is a prerequisite for the journey of life. Health …
The Tenets That Distinguish Bikram Yoga
THE TENETS THAT DISTINGUISH BIKRAM YOGA: The Bikram method’s unique features are: > Bikram certified teachers only > 26 postures TWICE (don’t be scared 🙂 ) > 2 Breathing exercises …
Notes from Darren: Top Ten Tips for Newbies
These tips are written with the ‘new to Bikram’ Yogi in mind. For those more experienced? no harm to refresh your memory but you will probably have already integrated these …
How to approach your practice…
The sequence performed as a ‘whole’ is what maximises benefits. Practicing the sequence nourishes and invigorates the entire body and mind as well as enabling one to access their own …
Studio Hygiene
{This article first posted January 2012; We have become even more efficient over the years and Revised this March 2020} Hello. From time to time people have asked WHO IS …
How To Be a Yoga Student and Get the Most Out of the Student / Teacher Relationship
In October 2011 I wrote a blog that I usually re-post at this time of year every year about ‘How to be a Yoga Student and How to get get …
Can I Practice Bikram Yoga When I am Pregnant?
Unless you are in a ‘high risk pregnancy’ category then YES, indeed you can practice Rajashree’s Pregnancy Yoga (modified Bikram) when you are pregnant. It was developed with maternal health …
PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL PLEASE COPY TEXT AND PASTE THIS TO A SHEET so you can print sign and return this page to Yoga Matters (“YM”) OR we have copies at …
Before commencing any exercise for the first time it is advisable to consult your GP who will be able to advise on the type of activities suitable to your fitness …
What are Electrolytes and Why are they so important?
A little post class care warning! Keep tabs on your electrolytes. Electrolytes are the following nutrients: sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, phosphate and sulphate. Electrolytes are important because they …