Please respect the need for ‘Sweatiquettes’… we are a tiny studio… one instructor on hand per class to do EVERYTHING… We do not have the resources to hire a team …


****scroll down to see 26/8/21 ‘Stage 7’ update**** We are so happy and excited to be able to WELCOME YOU BACK to our little Yoga school.  To help you feel …

You are the driver…

Dear Practitioners Having received a parking ticket at Langford Friday evening for forgetting to display ‘time arrived’ (ouch!) it got me thinking on the whole parking and driving to Yoga …

getting back to that sacred space

Excitement is starting to build… We will be starting back with our FULL SCHEDULE ~ YES! Bikram Yoga EVERYDAY! Sometimes TWICE! Because Bikram practitioners deserve to be able to practice …

Designed BY Universe, Shaped BY Life

BY nature we are asymmetrical beings; parts of our anatomy are asymmetrical (e.g. contents of torso). Some muscles are highly active whilst others have been inhibited; a loop effect creates …


WE SHOULD BE GRATEFUL if you’d factor this IN When PLANNING your next TRIP TO YM So you actually make it to CLASS ON TIME ‘Driving-Tips’ is so Yogis dodge …


Some very depressing things have happened in the Yoga world over the years including abuse of power and abuse of students; devastating blows to the sanctity of the teacher/student relationship; …


THANK YOU to ALL who have kept us company this year.  Our longer term practitioners hold glad space in our hearts but more have joined that space this year than …

Method in the Madness!

This post might help you when explaining to friends/family how a Bikram Yoga class works 🙂 A Bikram Yoga class is not the place for deep meaningful explanations about all …


After 2 posts about ‘seeing’ your Yoga I thought I better ‘Yin’ it out with a couple of ‘FEELING’ your Yoga post :). Its all about balance 🙂 : Sometimes …


Do you obey what your eyes show you or do you feel your Yoga? Some might say feeling your Yoga is King but as a beginner the reality can be …


This is another tricky but necessary post to write because some of the issues highlighted are completely avoidable if one preps for first class by reading the information on the …

Mad Mat Matters I

We have recently put an order in for all new studio mats. We are always excited when we get new mats; it always feels so fresh. By end of this …

Never Be Afraid of the BackwardBends !

~BACK PAIN CONSIDERATIONS for your Bikram Yoga practice~ DIAGNOSIS: Firstly, the instructors at YM are Yoga instructors and are not qualified to assess your pain. If pain is severe or …

Bone Matters

We work on the 26/2 diligently, a group of people in our unique bodies. We regulars know it is clearly not one size fits all. In this post I am …

Oh What to Wear to Yoga!

mmm I am sure many thousands of hours have been spent contemplating this one around the globe 🙂 For Bikram Yoga keep it simple; less is more. MODESTY PREVAILING of course! …

Strange Doctor

“YOU HAVE A VERY STRONG OPINION FOR SOMEONE WHO DOESN’T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.”  A little man in a sharp suit walked into my reception at 5.40 …

The Tenets That Distinguish Bikram Yoga

THE TENETS THAT DISTINGUISH BIKRAM YOGA: The Bikram method’s unique features are: > Bikram certified teachers only > 26 postures TWICE (don’t be scared 🙂 ) > 2 Breathing exercises …

How to approach your practice…

The sequence performed as a ‘whole’ is what maximises benefits. Practicing the sequence nourishes and invigorates the entire body and mind as well as enabling one to access their own …

Studio Hygiene

{This article first posted January 2012; We have become even more efficient over the years and Revised this March 2020} Hello. From time to time people have asked WHO IS …


PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL PLEASE COPY TEXT AND PASTE THIS TO A SHEET so you can print sign and return this page to Yoga Matters (“YM”) OR we have copies at …


Before commencing any exercise for the first time it is advisable to consult your GP who will be able to advise on the type of activities suitable to your fitness …