If you don’t practice Bikram you might wonder how complicated can a Sit Up be? It’s a Bikram Yogi thing folks! Only the Bikramites out there will be interested in …
Bikram’s Five Qualities of Mind
The Boss says: “the greatest challenge we face as human beings is controlling and properly using our own minds… The ego driven mind… does not want to give up its …
Its not singing. Its CHANTing :) ~
So ye’ve all recovered from my solo Kirtan demo on Sunday. I have anyway :). You weren’t expecting THAT in your Bikram Yoga class now were you (don’t tell Bik …
A Bikram Yoga journey can go something like this…
First class… Pranayama. OMG I feel so silly! What is that funny SOUND they are all making? Their all so serious! I want to laugh. 10 minutes in: my ARMS …
Yoga Matters Manifesto
As you LOOK into the eyes of your reflection and KNOW these are the eyes of your teacher, you REALISE there is nowhere to hide. Your smartphone can’t help you …
First International Yoga Day
HAPPY First International YOGA DAY ~ The interesting thing is that it is a political leader in India (Prime Minster) that has taken this stance to create this significant day …
“Set Your Life on Fire ~ Seek Those Who Fan Your Flames.” Rumi
We’ll provide the heat. Be it fahrenheit or centigrade from where we’re standing the temperature will be just fine. All YOU have to do is show up. Again and again. …
Yoga Etiquette Rule #101 Have you got Issues with Your Tissues?
Q: WHAT DO YOU DO WITH A RUNNY NOSE IN YOGA CLASS? Do you sniff, wipe, produce your neti pot 🙂 or blow? A: YOU BLOW! You absolutely need to …