The educator must believe in the potential power of his pupil, and he must employ all his art in seeking to bring his pupil to experience this power.” ~ Alfred …
How To Get The Monkeys Out Of Your Temple
Your Body is a Temple 🙂 . It’s where you live, love, learn, dream. Sadly, you may also be sharing it with a few squatters. Yup. The monkeys. A little …
“Let go or be dragged” Zen proverb (I think)
I DO like to employ a bit of Zen 🙂 ; as much as you can square anything off with Yoga you can round things off nicely with a little …
“There are many possibilities but the expert has few.” ~ Suzuki
QUESTION TIME: You all know my thoughts on keeping an open mind to receiving teachings from new/different teachers, yes? But WHAT ABOUT THE WISDOM YOUR OWN BODY HAS TO OFFER? …
So much praise at YM… WHY? PRAISE YOU 1: Yoga is not about rewards and yet there is so much praise going on in the Yoga room; what is all this …
An Ounce of Practice …
PRACTICE is the only way to develop your Yoga to bring about the benefits. CONCENTRATION is required in the pose. Conscious setting up a REGULAR BREATH (Pranayama at the beginning) …
“Through practice success is obtained; through practice one gains liberation.” ~ Pancham Sinh
And we are ON! No theory in sight; just a GALORE (!) of PRACTICE (so with my personal freedom I have taken the liberty 😉 of making up a new plural …