THANK YOU to ALL who have kept us company this year. Our longer term practitioners hold glad space in our hearts but more have joined that space this year than ever. When we pause at this time of year to take stock we feel humbled by your contribution to our world and our happiness.
WE ARE SO GLAD & GRATEFUL that for the vast majority of YM practitioners our terms of business and studio etiquettes are ‘no biggy’ whatsoever because they have read and embraced them and manage their bookings and presence in class in accordance with them so efficiently. Working with you is a smooth running dream. Thank you!
WE ARE GLAD & GRATEFUL to have the best teachers in the world, teaching us valuable lessons to help us personally expand day in day out. That’s YOU folks!.
WE ARE GLAD & GRATEFUL TOO to those who give us kind feedback about our blogs and posts which kindly lets us know that ye are keeping us company in the virtual world too, so grateful that we are not posting them to a sleepy world. Thank you for each ‘Like’ because that like brings a little opportunity for us to spread the ‘YM’ word 🙂 and each little verbal acknowledgement of our post efforts gives us a HUGE boost and compels us to want to do more to highlight the benefits of such a practice. So thank you for tuning in on line.
We are GLAD & GRATEFUL for those who champion us and those who bring their friends & family to class to ‘Experience Bikram Yoga’. Nothing says YOU LOVE this Yoga more than when you bring your bestie, partner, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter to the studio to get a taste of the ‘Original Hot Yoga’ (especially when they are just passing through Jersey on a short holiday 🙂 ).
We are GLAD & GRATEFUL to all who supported ‘YOGA GIVES’ this year and made special effort to turn up for class outside their normal practice schedule and those who sent kind wishes and contributions even tho’ they couldn’t be there. Those classes are so important to us personally. They are one of our ways to give back but it wouldn’t work without you.
We are SO GLAD & GRATEFUL to have passed our FIFTH anniversary of having our doors opened; PHEW! Thank you for sharing in our JOY as we celebrated this landmark.
WE ARE GLAD & GRATEFUL that you let us share our world with you and that you permit us to witness your effort, class after class. You make YM what it is.
We are in the business of ‘expansion’ after all and we find we have even more space in our hearts for unknown smiley Bikram Yogi who has yet to walk through our doors and wants to expand and become ‘more’ with us and so we are looking forward to 2017 with new and old Yogi friends and our wish for you all is that it brings you LOVE, JOY, PEACE, HARMONY, WONDER and your GLADDEST BIKRAM YOGA EXPERIENCE EVER!
Om Om Om Here comes another 365 days of Yoga Blessings & BLISS!
Namaste Trisha & Darren of Pollyanna Yoga 🙂