****scroll down to see 26/8/21 ‘Stage 7’ update****

We are so happy and excited to be able to WELCOME YOU BACK to our little Yoga school.  To help you feel prepared and confident we have loads of information for you! read on…


On 10/3/20, based on information available at that moment in time, we started altering our studio policies and hygiene protocols and refining how we operated there.  That week events were unfolding so fast we were agreeing a new policy in the morning and by the evening altering it again, with no time to communicate it to anyone but the practitioners in front of us.  We obviously reduced/limited our class numbers but attendance was self regulating and numbers dropped hugely beginning March even without our interference on capping classes.  On 20/3/20 we closed our doors. 12 June 2020 LEVEL 2 RE-OPENING permitted for businesses with ‘evidenced mitigation plans’, ‘maintaining strict physical distancing and hygiene’.  4/12/20 We closed our doors for the second time…. 15/3/21 Reopening!


To ensure that they are appropriate and meet minimum government guidance and we share them with you so that we can allay any fear as people ease themselves back into normal routines after months of mental conditioning about ‘lock down’ and ‘staying safe’.  What a head spin! we are very aware that people are going to be wary stepping back into ‘class’ environments.  We ourselves have been kept awake at night working out how we can proceed with Ahimsa; We are aspiring Yogis which means when in doubt we filter problems/decisions through our Yama and Niyama ~ Code of Ethics which we are wholly committed to in our way of living. At this stage we conclude that we might be harming more people by not opening; for many their practice is Yoga medicine; it is how they take care of their mental health as well as their physical wellbeing.

****26 August 2021 Jersey enters ‘STAGE 7’****   

Whilst some of the protocols that our practitioners have had to engage with each class are being relaxed we urge our practitioners to continue to be vigilant regarding their respiratory hygiene habits and to continue to be conscious of the needs of the other Yogi practitioners around them (this is a fundamental Yogic practice).  Should ‘the covid climate’ start to change in Jersey again (i.e. if things start to move in an uncertain direction) we reserve our right as a responsible business to re-introduce any or all of our compulsory protocol practices for our Yogis within our premises at short notice. Even if the local gov’t action on that front for the wider Island is ‘lagging’ behind our decision we respectfully ask all our practitioners (new and existing) to RESPECT our decision KNOWING that all decisions we make at the studio are with the safety of our broader base of practitioners at the fore of our minds and also in the interests of keeping our doors open so that all our practitioners will have a safe space to practice in.

ALWAYS: DO NOT COME TO CLASS IF you have just had a covid test/awaiting results OR you have had contact with someone testing positive and are awaiting to have your test PLEASE DO NOT COME UNTIL required period is up for such scenarios OR you have been given the ‘all clear’ and fulfilled any isolation requirement.  ALSO see our existing protocols re ‘Symptomatic Yogis’, ‘Travelling Yogis’ and ‘Direct Contacts’  hereafter which remain in place.

OBVIOUSLY behind the scenes we will continue to maintain our robust sanitising regime (detailed herein) before every single class as part of how we honor our Yoga students.


As a business we have of course conducted a Risk Assessment (‘RA’). We have followed government general and sector specific guidelines and you can read them on in conjunction with this document.  Following our own RA we have covered the government’s minimum standard/recommendations and researched to understand best practice.  The size of our business being micro, THIS statement serves appropriately as formal, transparent documentation of a plan of ‘management’ of the potential risk whilst creating a guide and comfort for our practitioners too.  We record here all the areas that we have considered, the potential risks arising and the policies implemented to mitigate the risk (I.E. THIS DOCUMENT EVIDENCES THE RESULTS OF OUR ‘RISK ASSESSMENT’ AND ‘RISK MANAGEMENT’ PROTOCOLS). Broadly, the considerations have included access/egress to/from our premises, identifying and managing potential proximity hotspots, serving our practitioners, class logistics, instructor (staff) and practitioner (customer) behaviours whilst within our premises, sanitising, ppe, standard activity. In short ALL ASPECTS OF CONTACT WITH OTHERS and as per the government standard there will be posters/guidance/floor markings everywhere to serve as a reminder.  All considerations and management will be seen under the following headings herein:  ‘WHAT ARE OUR SANITISING PROTOCOLS’, ‘LOGISTICS’, ‘MITIGATING BEHAVIOURS’ TO PRACTICE ON YM PREMISES and a ‘REMINDER ~ WHAT WE ASK FROM YOU’. For ease when on the premises there will be markings and posters to guide you.  We will monitor closely and daily these protocols in practice to ensure they remain effective and relevant.


is a healthy lifestyle and Bikram Yoga practice (a ‘moderate’ activity on the RPE scale) is an excellent healthy living strategy along with proper diet and good sleepMinimizing stress too is very important to a good working immune system and again Bikram Yoga can help with this. Of course good hygiene, don’t smoke, alcohol in moderation ALL good common sense strategies too.  We have always been committed to providing a ‘SAFE SPACE’ for practitioners and have come up with our revised protocols with ‘DO NO HARM’ at the forefront of our minds.  We will proceed with big doses of common sense to ensure that we have ‘mitigated to the max’ any risks of virus spread within our space.  Please continue reading to put your mind at rest as regards your trip to YM.


We are no more expert in this virus than you are folks so please don’t message us to ask about whether you should/should not come to class. If you feel uncertainties you should consult your chosen health expert/gp.  Everyone is responsible for their personal decisions. You cannot pass that responsibility on.  Please remember families with vulnerable members have been kept apart whilst the threat of catching/spreading this virus still exists and with that in mind please remember it is your choice and your responsibility to do whatever is best for you (which might involve staying at home). Our conscience has policed us and we would not reopen if we did not feel we could manage the risks appropriately.  We are very serious about what we do and taking responsibility for our end of this energy exchange. We are confident about all the steps we are taking and we TRUST our practitioners to be all over the best current hygiene habits/practices/advice and to be self regulating and to handle themselves appropriately but we will be on hand to keep things in check; there is loads of information online. COMMON SENSE MUST ALWAYS PREVAIL.

AT YM WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SUPER HYGIENE CONSCIOUS so it is no great leap for us to expand/extend the frequency of our practices.  BUT. NO MATTER HOW GOOD OUR HYGIENE PROTOCOLS ARE there is one area we have identified and consider the risk level to be too high for us to undertake at this time and that is people who are medically vulnerable. So whilst many of our practitioners actually come to Yoga class because of conditions that a Yoga practice helps them manage, unfortunately at this point in time it is some of those persons that ‘covid says no’ to.  (This is in line with gov’t advice to people they describe as high risk on “You’re advised to avoid indoor activities outside of your own home wherever possible.”).  Should this advice change then we will of course revise our protocols to accommodate but right now, we are so very sad about this but please, WE CANNOT HAVE ANYBODY IN CLASS WHO IS ‘MEDICALLY’ VULNERABLE I.E. HAS KNOWLEDGE OF LOWERED IMMUNE SYSTEM OR EXISTING DIS-EASE IN THEIR BODY. (Again, please educate yourself as to what this means if you are unsure.)  We respect every bodies’ personal decisions that they make to keep themselves well physically and mentally. PLEASE RESPECT our desire to keep instructors (staff) and other practitioners free from the psychological burden of having someone with impaired immunity on premises (we would not be able to teach effectively). So Please. We are very sorry but DON’T COME TO CLASS IF YOU FALL INTO THIS CATEGORY.

SYMPTOMATIC YOGIS: Please do not enter our premises if you are displaying any symptoms of covid-19.

TRAVELLING YOGIS / ‘DIRECT CONTACT’ YOGIS: If you have recently travelled or are in proximity to someone who has recently arrived on the Island (home/work) and if you or they have not had a covid-19 test (self isolating) OR you/they are still awaiting test results OR you are a ‘direct contact’ PLEASE DO NOT COME TO THE STUDIO UNTIL the required period of time has passed for either scenario. SIMILARLY IF YOU HAVE BEEN IN CONTACT WITH SOMEONE TESTING POSITIVE PLEASE DO NOT COME UNTIL YOU HAVE HAD A TEST AND BEEN GIVEN AN ALL CLEAR YOURSELF.

DIRECT CONTACTS: Similarly if you have been ‘tracked and traced’ (in contact with someone testing positive) please do not come to studio until you have had a test and received a negative test result.

Please look after self STAY WELL and we really hope to see you sooner rather than later.


Here are all the little/big things we have thought of to put your mind at rest (for those who like lists):

TOUCH SURFACES:  We sanitize all the following touch surfaces:

  • ALL DOOR HANDLES/locks; lobby/reception inside and out, studio inside and out, entrance to toilet area inside and out, toilets inside and out (change room out of bounds for this period)
  • AREAS AROUND ALL aforementioned doors/door handles that people will commonly touch/press on to open
  • TAPS: in toilets (changing room out bounds for this period)
  • FLUSHES: toilets
  • LIGHT SWITCHES: (although any of our lighting for public access (changing room/toilets) is actually TOUCHLESS (instructors are the only ones who need to touch other switches)
  • DISPENSERS: The PUSH/PUMP on ALL soap and sanitizer dispensers*



GLASS: all window/mirror glass surfaces/sneeze screen

FLOORS: all floor surfaces

TOILET AREAS: hand basins, bins, pictures, loo roll holder, walls, doors, cistern and bowls (as well as flushes and taps and door handles)

LOBBY: bench, sanitisers etc

Frequency: DAILY

HAND TOWELS:  We have a very large supply of ‘individual use’ towels for hand drying; please place in laundry basket after use


TISSUES: Please READ OUR ‘HAVE YOU GOT ISSUES WITH YOUR TISSUES’ BLOG; for a prompt on tissue behaviour in studio.  TIP: keep a cloth tucked into your Yoga pants at the waist for the purpose of cough/sneeze catching. Remember ‘Catch It, Bin It, Kill It’.  Please don’t leave any used tissues on our floor in class or after class


YOGA MATS:  INVEST IN YOUR OWN MAT; and if you do, please buy one of ours to help support a small local business. Read our blog on mat hygiene.  If you look at our old blogs re Mat Matters you will know we have always recommended people invest in their own Yoga Mat (especially heavy sweaters); Darren and I have our own mats we have never used the studio mats for our personal practice.  Hygiene for studio mats is top priority as it always has been! If you really like your practice you should invest in/own your own mat.


BLOCKS/BRICKS:  We have studio ones; if one is needed please leave it on the floor after use so we can treat/sanitize it




You MUST have water with you in class at all times. This has ALWAYS been a prerequisite for admission. Whilst we stopped selling single use plastic bottles* 2019 as part of our commitment to being plastic free; {You were always supposed to bring your own water folks!} we have noticed the number of people forgetting to bring water increased; previously we had a system of lending them Sigg bottles to fill.  We have always been ultra hygiene conscious and those used bottles were never just rinsed; they were always brought home and sterilized with Milton AND scalded (WE-JUST-LIKE-HYGIENE). HOWEVER we just don’t feel comfortable with that system at a time like this so we have a supply of tinned water you may buy if you forget your own. The Change room is out of bounds for the moment so you will not be able to fill empty bottles. BRING YOUR OWN ADEQUATE WATER SUPPLY.


You must book online prior to coming to secure your space.  We cannot accommodate ‘drop in’ at this time.  If you are new practitioner you will need to pay as you are booking too.  At this time if all ‘booked’ practitioners are in early we will start class early.  Please Register to use our new booking system ‘Momoyoga’ via link or download the ‘Momoyoga App’ from Google Playstore or Apple Store.   Read the registration email you receive about credits/passes, payment, terms, policies.


CV restrictions have had a huge impact on EVERYONE, you, us, the way we operate in our day to day. You can maintain your regular Bikram practice by not leaving it too late to try book one of the limited spaces. The majority of our practitioners ‘got this’ down really quickly last year.  Planning ahead to book to use up your credits before they expire is the new ‘norm’ in a time of restrictions/distancing.

In this time of limited space CHECK your diary/schedule/calendar BEFORE you book.  On the flip side, we have experienced people panic booking way too far in advance and subsequently when they cancel (whether it be early or late cancellation) it was already too late for the people who had been waitlisted. Most had made other plans or did not have their Yoga gear with them OR they did not see the waitlist notification message. Double check your own diary/availability BEFORE you book yourself in. WE WANT EVERYONE to be able to get their Yoga on!  INCLUDING WAITLISTERS read on…

WAITLISTING ! important !

With limited space because of gov’t/covid/restrictions our new Momoyoga system has a ‘waitlist’ option.  If you choose ‘waitlist’ YOU WILL NEED TO PREPARE AND MAKE SURE you have your Yoga gear WITH YOU for that moment when your ‘waitlist booking’ becomes a ‘live booking’.  This is the global standard for booking waitlisters.


Please do all your texting/devicing outside of YM premises; devices (phones, smartwatches, fitbits) are not permitted in Yoga class and for the ‘duration’ there is no ‘space’ or ‘time’ in reception or lobby or reception for people to dwell/scroll/text. Please put your mask on before entering YM lobby and keep it on until you have arrived on your mat (bear in mind non mask wearing might induce stress in others; we always think of others/Yoga etiquettes). Doors won’t open until 30 minutes prior to class.  If the black street door is closed do not open it. Please be on time for your class; there is no room to manoeuvre around the protocols for latecomers; the class entering protocols won’t work for people arriving after class has started and so they cannot be admitted. Also PLEASE BE CONSCIOUS: We have all been isolating/self distancing and extra zealous in our personal hygiene protocols and in the process may have reduced our normal immune system defences (this is unclear but possible) and so may be more exposed to a variety of opportunistic illness. Right now we need to be extra vigilant whilst rebuilding those immune defences. Please don’t cause stress for yourself by not planning for time to get to class.


To deal with any ‘proximity’ issues there will be signage and markings on the floors to help practitioners understand where is best to stand as per government current distance/guidance.  We are actively managing our class sizes in accordance with government ‘distancing’ advice.  OUR PRIMARY FOCUS IS AHIMSA AND QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ALL INVOLVED.  We have considered every angle and made the angles do summersaults and WE ARE OPENING BECAUSE WE CAN BE OPEN AND BE SAFE WITH OUR PROTOCOLS followed to the letter.  If you would like to know about how the class limited size is going to operate in this fashion and keep us all ‘safe’ please phone us ~talk to us~ 07797 838376 (we can’t wait to talk to you) and let us talk you through it and answer your questions.


Taking into account what is known about this virus transmission from an infected Person:  “through small droplets from the nose or mouth, which are expelled when a person with COVID-19 coughs, sneezes, or speaks. These droplets are relatively heavy, do not travel far and quickly sink to the ground. People can catch COVID-19 if they breathe in these droplets from an person infected with the virus. This is why it is important to stay keep distanced from others. These droplets can land on objects and surfaces round the person such as tables, doorknobs and handrails.”  (this description taken from World Health Organisation website).

That considered, IF someone who is infected but asymptomatic has, all things considered, managed to arrive on a mat in the class; the next line of ‘mitigation’ is the good hygiene habits of this person for the duration (and our protocols after they have left the class to eliminate further transmissions via ‘surfaces’). If such a person resolutely follows Yoga etiquettes (e.g. Ahimsa) and follows all the protocols to the letter then this will serve.  We have further considered the possibility of airborne transmission: air distance/currents (hence self-distancing), duration in air (heavy and drops), humidity (Medical News Today 2/4/20 says that  YM HAS A NEWLY INSTALLED (mid 2019) serviced bi-annually STATE OF THE ART VENTILATION SYSTEM that complies with the latest commercial by-laws to RENEW AIR QUALITY SUPER FAST (as well as recover heat in the room) in minutes.  We also have a filtration system that removes impurities. We also have 2 skylights which we can open if necessary during class and ALWAYS after/between class(es) to aereate the room.



  • Time to slow down; Think! protocols ahead. Engage
  • Mask on before entering lobby. Please make sure your mask covers your nose
  • EXEMPTION: If you have a mask ‘exemption’ please remember we are not a shop open all day long with hundreds coming in; we are a small Yoga school, each class is very personal with a limited number in attendance and it would be really nice for us if you would let us know in advance of you coming that you are that person with exemption so we know to expect you and not to inadvertently remind you to put your mask on; we have a lot of ‘mask forgets’ that need to be reminded and we would not want to offend any exempt person
  • Only 2 allowed in (1 at each end) the lobby at a time so if you glance through the street door first and see someone doing their ‘sanitising hand ritual’ stand on the ‘X’ and wait until they are at reception purple door before you proceed. If it is raining (be prepared) hopefully you have umbrella/hood but you could always shelter across the road for the moment; in practices this stage takes seconds
  • Hand Sanitising must be done here before you enter reception before you put your hand on any YM door handles or touch surfaces.
  • ALLERGY: If you have an allergy to generic brand hand sanitiser NO BIGGIE! Bring your own preferred brand and use it BUT you must use it and demonstrate that you are using it at this stage in our mitigation. It is not enough to say you did it before you left the house or in the last shop you were in; it must be done in our lobby too
  • IF YOU HAVE A PARTICULAR UNIQUE ISSUE WITH ANY OF OUR PROTOCOLS?: We believe there is a solution for every problem. HOWEVER we are not always very good at thinking ‘on the spot’ so please PHONE US FIRST to talk about your unusual dilemma BEFORE you turn up at our Yoga School. We can probably work out a solution for you in advance discussion. REMEMBER we are only Yoga instructors trying to operate under Government sector guidance trying to do our best with restrictions that bring us no joy whatsoever and we will be in a particular protocol/checking in mode at the studio and when something that appears to go against protocol presents without warning we may not always be able to think straight/have an answer with so much else going on in the background; help us to help you; engage/phone first.)
  • If you are new please read and adhere to all our good preparation advice given on our website . These will enhance your experience


  • Only 2 practitioners allowed in reception at any one time. Because class numbers really small we have moved reception desk to be away from the entrance but leaving enough hooks for coat hanging.
  • Please hang coats ‘separate’ ‘no touch’ other coats (notice the shawl separators)
  • Floor will be marked with tape for where to stand whilst registering for class at reception and where to stand to divest of outer layers
  • We will use our ‘Infrared Themometer’** at this stage in the entry process (an extra check)
  • Endeavour to be cashless (pay online in advance) but should the need arise for a ‘cash’ exchange; we have created a system whereby instructor will not need to touch the incoming money (place cash in container); Please try and have the right money. If change is required than both parties use hand sanitiser and of course we have disposable gloves on hand should any need arise in the moment for them
  • KEEP YOUR MASK ON until you have entered the studio and are on your mat; you will need it any time you leave your mat (going to toilet area or when going through ‘exit from studio’ process)
  • DON’T DELAY IN RECEPTION once you have divested of your belongings ‘de-coated/de-shoed’ yourself, move straight into Yoga studio and find your spot
  • Understand if instructor has to move people along into studio so can help next person entering. Instructor WILL come back to you if you need assistance but instructor has to manage the distancing requirements as a priority
  • Egress from class will be efficient; only 2 practitioners in reception at a time (as per entry) so please LOOK FIRST before departing classroom; instructor will be in reception managing the flow of exiting practitioners; first 2 out should take belongings into lobby and organise themselves there (allows 2 more to move into reception)


  • MAT DOWN: Immediately put your mat on one of the few designated/clearly marked individual practice areas; this will enable others to understand which space has been taken but they will also be able to do a ‘head count’ of who is missing from room e.g. if there is no person on the mat they must be in toilet area and then others will know to steer clear of that area until they see someone come out
  • STAY IN: This is part of our risk management ‘ONE WAY SYSTEM’. These necessary protocols do not allow practitioners to come in early to mark their space and then leave studio and come back later; we are sorry this luxury will have to be shelved for the duration of this era. Once you are in, you are ‘in’ until your class has finished. Please Think! We cannot have one person taking up the space in the lobby/reception 3 times over; it means one person is going out re-exposing themselves in the outside world; having to repeat the protocols and holding up others who are coming in for their first time.
  • NEW WAIVER: Everyone coming to their first class at YM after lockdown 12/6/20 will need to sign a new waiver. We attach a link to this waiver ideally for you to print, sign and bring to your first class back. Otherwise we will provide this form/pen at studio. Pens are a touch surface but don’t worry we have hundreds of them; your pen will only be touched by you


  • Only 1 person allowed in the toilet area at a time
  • Pause at saffron door before entering; read the sign
  • Wear your mask when walking through studio to/from mat/toilet
  • Changing room/water bottle refill is NOT available at this time
  • DO NOT fill your bottle in the toilet area; taps were not designed for this
  • Make sure your used blue hand towel is put ‘IN’ the laundry basket, not ON the laundry basket (please do not put them in the toilet bins)


  • This is where our Bikram ‘MIRRORS’ really will come into their own folks! We see EVERYTHING in this room without even moving from one spot
  • This is where our Bikram ‘VERBAL INSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE’ will again prove valuable; we have the language to be able to express how you should modify your posture without having to be beside you or touch you.
  • This is also where our Bikram ‘INSTRUCTING’ NOT ‘LEADING’ model also shines; because we are ‘watching you’ all the time (we have mirrors! we miss nothing!)
  • Instructor will teach from one spot distanced from everyone but still ‘all seeing’ and thus responding appropriately
  • BECAUSE of all this you will not notice any difference in your main class ‘asana’ experience
  • DIFFERENT BREATHING TECHNIQUES; we will be supplementing Pranayama and Kapalbhati with ‘less forceful breathing’ techniques for the time being. All asanas are accompanied by normal breathing; in and out through the nose (as usual).
  • INTENTIONAL ARM MOVEMENTS; slower and more controlled lifting AND bringing down
  • Extract from local Gov’t guidance: “ENCOURAGING INDIVIDUALS TO TAKE REASONABLE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY”  &  “PHYSICAL DISTANCING AND CLEANLINESS WILL BE PROMOTED BY THE INSTRUCTOR AT THE BEGINING AND THROUGH ALL CLASSES” : In the spirit of this guidance we continuously and diligently put on our ‘protocols hat’ for EVERY SINGLE YOGA CLASS we teach, we continuously remind practitioners ‘on the ground’ about protocols {and also ‘online’; see our Facebook and Instagram accounts and our Blog:  2020 contagion protocols diary  }


WE will continue our daily ‘extra vigilant’ cleaning/sanitizing practices but of course combating this is a joint effort and so we further reiterate PLEASE, PLAY YOUR PART:

  • MEDICALLY ‘VULNERABLE’: we are sorry but please don’t come to class until this era has passed
  • PREP: READ THIS PLAN/THESE PROTOCOLS prior to coming to class
  • PAYING FOR CLASSES: unless you are one of our super long term practitioners then pay in advance promptly on booking at all times (restrictions/distancing = limited space)
  • ORGANISE: do all your texting/devicing outside of YM; devices (smartwatches fitbits phones) are not permitted in Yoga class (device free Yoga school) and for the duration there is no ‘space’ or ‘time’ available in reception/lobby for people to dwell and scroll/text
  • DO NOT ENTER LOBBY if black street door is closed
  • DO NOT ENTER LOBBY without ‘Mask On’
  • ENGAGE! BE ALERT: to who is in front of you and who is behind you in coming to your class; breaches of social distancing measures can be anxiety inducing for some. Please be MINDFUL
  • USE THE HAND SANITISER* in the lobby BEFORE putting a hand on anything in our reception
  • TEMPERATURE: don’t enter studio until we have used the infrared thermometer**
  • ONE WAY SYSTEM: please adhere, organise yourself, go in room, don’t keep coming back out
  • ~WATER: (must have) ~ bring your own
  • ~MASK: (must have) ~ keep mask on until you have landed on your mat / put mask on if you intend to go to the loo
  • ~TISSUES: (must have) ~ ‘Catch It Bin It Kill It’ READ our ‘HAVE YOU GOT ISSUES WITH YOUR TISSUES’ BLOG; for prompts on tissue behaviour e.g. Do not use your hands to cough/sneeze into; use tissues or ELBOW
  • ~MAT: (must have) ~ invest in your own (consider buying one of ours to support small local business)
  • ~TOWEL: (must have) ~ Heavy Sweaters ‘Sweatiquettes‘ please note you need 2 towels; either one on top other on top of mat OR one on mat and second one to mop up sweat around mat before you leave class
  • HAND SANITISING: there is sanitiser in the Lobby, on the desk at Reception, inside the Studio at the red door and by the saffron Toilet entry; don’t be shy to use them. When washing hands in the toilet areas follow the yellow gov’t issue poster guidance on correct technique and make sure you put the single use towels in the laundry basket (not ‘on’ the laundry basket)
  • ETIQUETTES: please refresh your memory (our website) and PRACTICE the protocols and Yoga etiquettes (Yamas & Niyamas) diligently; AHIMSA being a fundamental of good Yoga practice
  • Keep all your belongings ON your mat
  • IMMUNE SYSTEM: endeavour to strengthen yours and keep it strong; there is tons of online information
  • Stay HYDRATED and keep your throat moist; Look after yourselves folks!

Om Om Om Stay Well

*We have been plastic free and using eco products since we returned to Rue De Funchal but we are going to give ourselves a pass for the duration of this crisis and will use and do what is necessary to KEEP OUR STUDIO A SAFE SPACE AT MICROBE LEVEL and also keep our practitioners comforted on that front. We KNOW that good old fashioned soap is perfectly adequate tool in the hygiene battle but some just cannot do without the comfort of antibacterial handwash (even though this is a virus and not bacteria);

Please also read: studio hygiene  Atishoo!  mad mat matters (mat hygiene)  coronavirus era diary

** When we first heard/saw temperature guns becoming the norm around the world we invested in one for our studio thinking it might enhance our new protocols (for when we reopen).  Even as we were investing we did not have full ‘belief’ but they seem to be selling like hotcakes and can be seen in use on building sites locally and I have seen them being used in other countries as part of protocols but they just didn’t make complete sense to us there are so many variables in uncontrolled conditions.  What if a person it taking temperature suppressant medication, are they layered up with clothing or have they just been running to class? How can we be sure this device is not just reading surface temperature? because that’s no good we want core temperature. Anyway, how do we know what an individuals ‘normal’ core temperature is before we use the device (because it can vary a bit from person to person).  Just HOW can a device get an accurate reading of ‘core’ temperature in the varied and random conditions that we see them being used in.  I just found the attached article (a few extracted quotes: “You know the temperature gun is inaccurate,” … after getting a reading from a guard. “I know the temperature gun is inaccurate. He also knows the temperature gun is inaccurate. But nobody says anything because it’s part of the process!” “some of it is quite frankly for show.” My temperature was often {read} 35 degrees Celsius or lower, which starts to become incompatible with life,” Dr. Lawler said. “So I’m not sure those were accurate.”   WITH THIS INFORMATION in hand; do we want be putting on a performance with these devices? We personally do not want to be ‘putting on a show’ of inauthentic measures. We are NOT medical people; we had thought it might be useful monitoring people on entry to our studio and noting any variance from class to class that might be worthy of discussion with people.  We may remove this step from our protocols at any time but at the moment we find it useful as part of the ‘ritual’ of slowing people down and getting their head in the ‘protocols/ahimsa’ space.

NB as required in the local gov’t guidance we have continuosly worn our ‘protocols hat’ in Yoga school, continuously reminded practitioners on the ground about protocols and also online; see our  2020 contagion protocols diary

Comments 3

  1. Hi guys
    Wow that’s a lot to read & take in but rest assured of my commitment to keeping up with classes.
    Not sure how far ahead I’ll need to book in advance or whether I can pre book weekly slots but let me know.
    Been missing YM so cant wait to start back xx

  2. Hey Trisha and Darren,

    Looking forward to seeing you both and can’t wait to see you guys tomorrow night. Thanking you in advance for making Yoga Matters ready to open!!

    Love Morag

    1. Post

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