HAPPY First International YOGA DAY ~ The interesting thing is that it is a political leader in India (Prime Minster) that has taken this stance to create this significant day which is also Summer Solstice! ‘Yoga embodies unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint and fulfilment, harmony between man and nature, a holistic approach to health and well being,’ says Prime Minister Modi.
In this same spirit we have been teaching Yoga at Yoga Matters for nearly four years now. This is not about selling a product, propagating a culture or converting to a religion. It is beyond race and language. This is about spreading awareness of a different way of living for optimum health and wellbeing for the individual and connecting with our true Self as well as connecting with the collective consciousness. It is a clear and practical solution that is here and now and is accessible to all. Bliss and Bless to all who work on progress and making this world a better place to live. What better way to celebrate this auspicious day than to take in a Yoga class with your fellow Yogis. I hope you all enjoyed this morning’s class and weren’t scared off by my chanting.