PRACTICE is the only way to develop your Yoga to bring about the benefits. CONCENTRATION is required in the pose. Conscious setting up a REGULAR BREATH (Pranayama at the beginning) and continued attention to regulation of breath is necessary to develop your clarity of mind. Proper RELAXATION is essential part of the Bikram method (contract and relax). Constant attention to GOOD ALIGNMENT will give you least possible resistance to getting into the poses. STRETCH don’t strain. Do VISUALISE the ideal pose but know that it will be ADJUSTed for the variables i.e. your current personal limitations; in many cases these adjustments are temporary until the body (re)calibrates. Don’t frustrate your practice by fixating on that ideal but work instead diligently with GOOD TECHNIQUE. Don’t let your PRANA leak by fidgeting and fiddling. Don’t be shy about YOUR Yoga; this is no time for diffidence; you have to give your BEST. ALL the time. However imperfect you deem your best to be (if you are still measuring performance) or if you are still afraid of falling out. HEY! We all fall out sometime 🙂
Namaste ~ Trisha