~YOGA GIVES~ 10 CLASSES FOR UKRAINE ~ Watching all unfold on a screen can make one seem helpless; we want to help but pitch around for how. We lost enthusiasm for YM’s ‘March is for Warriors’ feature for yet another year; it just didn’t feel right language and some things are a bit irrelevant or frivolous right now. Casting about for what we can do to help? ALL CHANGE ~ ALL YM’s class fees from March Tuesday classes at YM WILL BE DONATED to Ukranian peoples’ needs; we haven’t yet worked out which is best NGO to donate fees to (UNHCR or Red Cross or ?) but we will by end of month. There are 5 Tuesdays in March (including one just gone); 10 CLASSES in total where ALL FEES will go to a cause that directly aids and protects Ukranian individuals who are being bombarded or displaced. As you know we are limited on the amount we can raise (limited by space in those particular classes) and so every Tuesday class fee IS important; it all adds up. Cash donations are always gratefully accepted and recorded BUT are not asked for or expected. ALL THAT WE REALLY NEED IS FOR YOU TO JUST TURN UP FOR YOUR NORMAL TUESDAY CLASS and we will donate the fee. All Are Welcome. We are VERY GRATEFUL to all who turn up for these classes.
Our space at YM is our sanctuary where we rebuild our inner peace for at least the duration of class. Right now that feels so privileged and fortunate. At least WE get to choose our present moment thoughts and focus; emotions and psyche get a brief ‘rest’ from something that feels so out of control and because of this ‘rest’ we may be better placed to make better decisions and choices that may affect others; we may be more effective as a result we may become the driving force behind the change in the world that we need to see rather than being dragged along.
Darkness is trying to engulf one of our European neighbours. At the very least we are all trying to let them see a bit of light that they can walk towards let them know we care. Darren and I feel we can divert some part of our beautiful practice energies to adding to that navigating light. We will ALWAYS support any measures and ideas that are anti war; above those we will promote the ideas that are ‘pro peace’. A new society where we have leaders that hold the same values and principles of ‘the people’ that we really are sometimes feels a long way away. Indeed if you believe we are in the middle of ‘Kali Yuga’ that means we have another 426,877 years of upheaval left! We need to find a way to make it seem less Kali Yuga-ish !!! Putting intention into some sort of action is one way; TUESDAYS IN MARCH AT YM ARE FOR UKRAINIAN PEOPLES.
Om Om Om Let us BE and practice together…
Love Trisha & Darren
UPDATE 30/3/22 ~AMOUNT RAISED~ We have completed our run of 10x ‘YOGA GIVES’ for UKRAINE ~THANK YOU~ to all who attended those classes and we know some went out of their way/changed their schedule to particularly attend those classes and one even attended our 2 classes in the day each week to maximize fees; very much appreciated! Total class fees we are donating is £1,233. On top of that we received very kind donations amounting to £80. Every penny counts we are sure you know and our amount will go into a pot with others’ monies and become more useful on the whole. We decided to choose two ‘pots’ namely ‘BRITISH RED CROSS Ukraine Crises Appeal’and ‘JERSEY SIDE BY SIDE’ Bailiffs Ukraine Appeal’. Split total means each will get is £656.50… We will hang receipts we get at the studio and of course our ‘Yoga Gives’ file is always available in reception for public inspection… Namaste, Trisha & Darren @ YM