***DATES FOR DIARY*** Monday 18 to Sunday 24 NOVEMBER 2019 *** 7.BIKRAM.CLASSES.7.DAYS.CHALLENGE. ***
~170~ (Yes! One Hundred and Seventy!) People have COMPLETED a Bikram Yoga Challenge with YM in 8 years! We think you will agree that is pretty good track record for completion! Time now to think about signing up for our next Challenge see website for full info https://yogamattersjersey.uk/love-people/
CHANGE IS THE NATURE OF THINGS Challenge and Change is where most growth takes place; YM has definitely seen a lot in its 8 years. We’ve seen it all really and we are flexible/adaptable because we will do what we need to do to continue to BRING BIKRAM YOGA TO THE PEOPLE 🙂
We have not been able to host all our offerings that vary things up for our practitioners this year; we are sure you understand; we are spending this year trying to get back to where we were. BUT so many have asked about our Challenges we don’t want to disappoint. We have not been able to run our usual Challenge offerings; we will be back with ALL of these next year (the 7/10/30/60). To keep things fresh for you ‘tho we are going to give 2 offerings in 2019 A NEW CHALLENGE called 4×4 (read on) and 1 x 7 class Challenge in 2019. Remember! YM Challenge offerings are the 90 minute classes only: Strictly Bikram Yoga.
NEW! personal ‘4×4 Challenge’. ! 4 CLASSES A WEEK FOR 4 WEEKS ! This will be available at discounted fee of £100. A practitioner undertaking this Challenge will pay for it separately from any existing credits held (any existing credits will have 1 month validity added). Remember Challenges have to planned/booked IN ADVANCE. This new Challenge will be classed as a PERSONAL CHALLENGE i.e. undertaken solo. I.e. it is not a studio group Challenge BUT if you want to do it with a friend that is up to you to organise yourselves bearing in mind there will be a limit to the number that can be undertaking Challenges at any one time in our school. All 4×4 Challenge proposals must be submitted to studio with advance notice as there will be times in the year when such Challenge is not feasible because of studio close dates e.g. December reduced schedule and end August annual holiday, but aside from these and bank holiday Mondays (which can be classed as one of a Challengers Day’s off) the rest of the time such an undertaking should work well; ALWAYS CHECK FIRST (48 hours notice) with YM your intended dates/timeframe to ensure no closure planned. Please see website for full terms. For instance there would be time if you plan ahead NOW to achieve such a personal Challenge 4×4 before December reduced schedule starts; you could even plan one to finish with the studio’s official 7.Day.Group.Challenge on 24th November! If not this might be something you can think about now to look forward to in 2020.
This is 4×4. Not 4×5 or 4×6 NOR is it a 5 one week 3 the next etc. A weekly format is Monday to Sunday. The Challenge the studio offers is 4×4 and this format cannot be manipulated so please do not undertake this casually. Plan ahead. Advise studio of your dates of attendance. There is a limit to 6 individuals that can be undertaking this particular solo Challenge at any one time in the studio.
BUT 7.CLASSES.7 DAYS! So many interested. YAY! It’s gonna be a good one and we can’t wait!!! Please sign the Challenge commitment form and pay in ADVANCE. We need to know how many will be joining us on this journey so we can prepare too! Sign up i.e. ‘commitment’ to Challenges includes paying Challenge fees (7 Days = £50) in advance.
Please do read ‘CHALLENGE GUIDELINES’ on our website to see if this Challenge is suitable/feasible for you. https://yogamattersjersey.uk/love-people/ #bikrampower #yogachallenge #lovetheoriginalhotyoga #lovemyym
— with Darren Trisha Thomas at Yoga Matters.