Blessed Yogis THANK YOU for all your kind Christmas wishes; we receive them gratefully and from the bottom of our hearts return the sentiments a hundredfold. We are grateful for all the people in our world that we now know and LOVE because the universe has brought them to Yoga Matters. We are HAPPY to have met you and your repeated presence in classes is the BEST present. You see EVERYONE has a gift to GIVE ~ sometimes they don’t even know they are giving it!
If you could see into our hearts you would know that, family aside, you are everything to us. Your happiness has a direct correlation to our happiness. YOU are our path on our journey through life. We are certain that even if we were to try 🙂 not to think about you; you will always be there; you fill our spare minutes.
YM may appear like a foreign country when you step through our doors for the first time; like no-where you have ever been before! As WE embrace this path and journey and make it our priority to hold a safe and SACRED SPACE for all willing Bikram Path Yoga practitioners to EXPRESS THEIR PRACTICE in, so YOU too can embrace your journey and truth in YM. We have endeavoured to create as much of a right circumstances as possible to give FREEDOM for you to explore and discover at your own pace. There is nothing more rewarding to us. This is ongoing work; it will never be perfect but we won’t let that stop us {if we were holding out for perfect, we’d never have got off the starting block 😉
Rudyard Kipling said “the first condition of understanding a foreign country is to smell it”. We’ve travelled a little and believe he is right!!! For those who long since come to recognise YM as their sacred space, our Christmas gift this year to you enlightened ones, was ‘Satya’ (Truth) incence’; the gift of the distinct fragrance of YM studio 😉 . Yup! we took our lead from the wise man who brought frank-incence to baby Jesus! Why not! (Hope the bag is useful for your travels too; we ran out btw). We hope you liked it.
Have a Cool Yule everyone; it’s gonna be HOT again soon.
Love Darren & Trisha xx
Om Om Om wake up and smell the Satya !!!