If you want Love, you give Love. Yes we offer you our appreciation and Love; and they don’t cost a thing! We know as we give we will receive. In our little Christmas gift this year we are combining the material and a ‘thought’. Thoughts have power to transform. We like to think we are circulating consciousness! Whilst there is nothing rigid or set in stone in our Yoga practice we have also ‘given’ you what we ‘want’ for 2023 in the form of a ‘stone’ (another for your collection): We WANT you to go to Bikram Yoga and redeem your benefits for your body, mind and spirit; the stone is your intention manifested and a note to those temporarily left behind to tell where you have gone! We love coming up with our ideas for a little Thank You; feeling and expressing gratitude allows us to participate in the flow of life especially at this time of year! THANK YOU Bikram Yogis for allowing us. May you be ‘Gone to Bikram Yoga’ very much in 2023 

Wishing you all Bliss, Peace & Stillness
Darren & Trisha xx