Hello. It is that time of year again. You know. The pause and reflect. It has been a ‘bit of a year’ for us personally, spiritually and professionally. I truly know it has been a ‘bit of a year’ ‘cos I wrote it in Darren’s christmas card this year!! (never did before! So it must be true 🙂 ) I will NEVER think I’ve got anything sussed EVER again! It is a little hard right now worrying about how we are going to maintain/sustain (our bottom line is a very scary thing to be staring too long at these days) AND still be endeavouring to embody grace.
IT DOESN’T MATTER! Right now things are tough globally. I have lost count of the number of acquaintances and friends I have spoken with who have had a difficult year as well as us (so many different ways to have a difficult year that are not always as obvious as a wall falling on your dreams). It is hard to feel anchored when ‘It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World’ and the ‘Gods Must be Crazy’ but hey! ‘What the Bleep Do We Know?’ {sorry my little creative sentence amuse} but there is no doubt when we continually focus on all the bad there is less room for love and the gap between us widens. This is why our Bikram Yoga practice is more important to us than ever and we are frantic (like some others) about how we are going to get our practice in. The world needs Bikram Yoga. Simply put: Yoga means ‘to Yoke’ (or ‘union’ as is better known). There is no doubt in my mind that through Yogasana practice one feels a shift of awareness about themselves and the world around even if one doesn’t have the ‘words’ to explain! One just KNOWS and begins the process of re-creating their existence and ‘yoking’ it all together again where it has been shattered. But. you know the saying: ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ and ‘if you don’t fight for what you want don’t cry for what you lost’? Today we are feeling a bit weak and tired but we know our Yoga practice has made us RESILIENT and we are more determined than ever. Yes there are times when ‘determination’ and ‘willpower’ will BE some of the fuel that is required in our new world where we may need to do ’battle’ and our Bikram Yoga practice dishes those out in large doses too!!
We LOVE Bikram Yoga and we will try to do whatever is necessary to keep our offerings alive on this front. WE WILL CONTINUE THE ‘BATTLE’ 🙂 TO SHARE THE HEALING AND PEACE AND UNION AND RESILIENCE A BIKRAM YOGA PRACTICE CAN OFFER ~ this is our (Darren & mine) calling if you like. In 2019 let us all remember LOVE IS THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE. The more there is LOVE the less room there is for anything else.
Blessed Yogis ~ THANK YOU ~ for all your kind Christmas wishes; we receive them gratefully and from the bottom of our hearts return the sentiments a hundredfold. We are grateful for all the people in our world that we now know and LOVE because the universe has brought them to Yoga Matters. We are HAPPY and GRATEFUL to have met you and get to know you, right now we miss you. You see EVERYONE has a gift to GIVE ~ sometimes they don’t even know they are giving it!
Om Om Om Shanti y’all