It seems these days there is a lot of intelligence in the service of madness! There is a lot of pain on display. Don’t stare at it 24/7. Open up your ‘news feeds’ click like on the positives and LOOK CLOSER. There is a BIG ‘movement’ out there not going with the pain. Yoga has been embraced globally, Yes? People are awakening and it is well known now that Yoga has played an important role in the AWAKENING in the individual and the global community. Yoga weakens the pain body. YOGA CONNECTS MIND AND SPIRIT.
First, KNOW that you are not alone in having a pain body (Many people tell of their past life scars as a turning point and useful reference; some feel they would not have become their better Selves without having had that pain body).
Then KNOW ‘we are not our sorrows we are not our scars’ {sang Nerina Pallot 😉 yes I’m a fan of this super talented Jersey girl} . Then you start NOTICING THE TRIGGERS for your pain body. You stop feeding your sorrows and scars. You stop identifying with them. Then they lose power. They cannot pretend to be you. They no longer control you. You are FREE.
HOW to get to this new state of AWARENESS? Yoga, meditation, conscious breathing techniques, there are loads of modalities! ‘Shop’ around. There is something out there to help unique YOU on this path to consciousness. There are books, dvds, positive FB/Instagram feeds.
FEED YOUR MIND, BODY and SPIRIT with something from these everyday (to balance out all the other ‘stuff’ that’s going on at the moment) and be GRATEFUL…
Gratefulness is a practice… just like Bikram Yoga… Keeping your mind and body healthy is an expression of gratitude to Gaia and to ALL around you. ‘BE ever grateful…
Not everyone close to you will relate to or understand this Bikram Yoga journey you are on. Don’t be disheartened. You can still do this and you don’t have to be in charge of waking anybody else up. It doesn’t make you ‘less’ if you feel you haven’t inspired or changed someone else’s world. They are not your job; they are on their own path. You might just need to be a little more patient and ‘adjust yourself’ a little if they are not on your frequency; you don’t have to ‘direct’ them. But HEY! You’ve got this working on your Self, Love YourSelf business down!
WHEN THEY ARE READY THEY WILL NOTICE YOUR ‘CHANGE’ your Sparkle 😉 . You can take it from there.
Stay Well
April 2020