Part 1 ~ LOVE is… CELEBRATION! Is there a better topic to discuss than LOVE? Darren and I 17 years married today (21 years together {2020}) and of course Valentines day, a worldwide celebration of romantic LOVE, is coming. Can we ALL ever know everything about LOVE and the POWER of LOVE. Maybe/not. LOVE being broader than romantic we are happily in a time when we know that trying to conceptualise ‘LOVE’ or tie LOVE down only seems to limit the definition of it and why would we want to do that! So we know that we LOVE in more ways than we will ever find the words to say. We know that it is there to be given. We know the more you give of it we know the more there seems to be of it (it grows). We know that when ‘in’ LOVE everything is perfect. Yet LOVE isn’t always perfect because like beauty, perfect is something that resides in the mind eye of ‘other’. We know LOVE transcends ego. Kahlil says “LOVE has no other desire but to fulfill itself”. LOVE is satisfying. Do we yet know is ‘TO’ LOVE or ‘BE’ LOVEd more important? I am not asking anyone to come down on one side. LOVE is a very personal thing. I am just thinking ‘out loud’ about what it is for me today. Maybe it will be different tomorrow but today? I KNOW for me with my beLOVEd husband and daughter {whom I carry in my heart always} gratitude flows and ‘TO’ LOVE IS… ‘ITS OWN REWARD’…
Part 2 ~ LOVE IS… HEALING! Through the power of love we can LET GO of the past and BEGIN AGAIN. Love heals, forgives and makes whole again… This is a superpower you can use on yourSelf too!!! Today, show some Love for yourSelf, forgive YourSelf, complete yourSelf … #Lovetheoroginalhotyoga #LoveYM #Loveheals …
Part 3 ~ LOVE is… TRANSCENDING! We know true LOVE, GOOD LOVE, is enduring, unceasing (regardless). We know LOVE does not require there to be an underlying great intellect but LOVE is enough to free the spirit from the bonds of ignorance. We know LOVE does not require us to renounce the world yet history shows us LOVE’s greatest power demonstrated when people enter times of adversity or sacrifice. We know there are opportunities all around us every day to demonstrate LOVE. Oh To KNOW THE POWER OF LOVE…
Part 4 ~ LOVE is… LIMITLESS! and knows no bounds, We LOVE to GIVE LOVE. Yet many skimp on true LOVE of themSelves. The BUDDHA said “You yourSelf, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your LOVE and affection.” Through a regular Yoga practice we can learn to LOVE ourSelf and know that it is ok. Some use it as a practice to focus on the divine (many Yoga schools are God centred), but ANY thing can be used as a focus of attention and indeed in our beginning Yoga school we see a myriad different focuses, some focus on visual physical aspects of their being, others on healing and therapy, others again are focusing on their ‘inner’ life. It is not rigid. DEFinitely over time focuses CAN change and every change in the heart and focus of a practicing Yogi MANIFESTS…
Part 5 ~ LOVE is… BIKRAM YOGA PRACTICE! The THEREAPEUTIC EFFECT of a Hatha Yoga practice is really only an incidental side effect of the PURIFICATION PROCESS to clear energy blocks so the nadis can function. Ultimately through practice there will be a HARMONIZING between the positive and negative energies that are always present in humans. An absolute BALANCING of the physical body, mental energy and vital forces creating the OPTIMAL opportunity for an EVOLUTION to or AWAKENING of consciousness; THIS IS THE TRUE PURPOSE OF HATHA YOGA. You step onto your mat to BEGIN YOUR HEART OPENING process and then you REALIZE you no longer have to search for LOVE externally. You don’t have to think beyond the parameters of your mat! That you TURNING UP ON YOUR MAT is a form of LOVE. You start to move more with LOVE. When you fall in LOVE with Yoga you fall in LOVE with yourSelf. How you LOVE yourSelf is how you teach others to LOVE you. Then. You REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT until you remember that… ~YOU~ARE~LOVE~
LOVE from Trisha & Darren
February 2020