Dear YM Bikram Yogi Family
You have been patient and so kind to us at this difficult time and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. But we KNOW how frustrating it is if Bikram Yoga is your medicine, or your way of maintaining balance, to be without it or to have it snatched away without notice. We KNOW because we use it in these ways too; So THANK YOU for bearing with us. It will be a bit of a bumpy road to YM studio recovery but we are on this in the background trying to make things happen. Aside from the fact we love our little studio/vibe we don’t know how we are financially going to sustain paying for 2 places at the same time and make the ends meet (our business interruption policy not what we thought it was going to be) but you know we will put one foot in front of the other and try and make this happen as we go along. When I have got my head together (right now a little shell shocked and running on empty) I will probably be looking for a part time job that will pay my stamp (anybody know of anything that might suit please let me know).
In the meantime we have secured as many slots as wereavailable at Langford sports complex ‘Dance Studio’. Langford proximity is really close to YM andhas parking and so we believe in the circumstances will create the minimum ofdisruption for our practitioners in this transitional period.

We totally understand that this will not atall be convenient for many but we hope and pray as many of you will make yourway to us in this temporary location for the duration of works. We need our practitioners now more than ever. Please read the following, it will makethe transition easier.
How we will roll at Langford
We regret we will not be able to run things from here as we have from Yoga Matters. Many of the things we took for granted at YM are now a luxury and some ways of doing things will have to be changed/shelved for the duration. Please read the following.
How to get there and parking: If you are driving UP Mont Millais JUST past entrance to Victoria College on the left hand side is the first CAR PARK entrance for Langford (practically immediately after the VC entrance). This would be the preferred car park for you. There is a white sign that says Langford. Just a little further up the road (immediately after the first car park’s exit) there is a SECOND car park entrance, this one often filled with swimmer’s cars so might not be ideal but worth a check. Parking is free but you will need to put a yellow parking disc displaying arrival time. You can google earth/maps for images to familiarize yourselves. We think that after your first run/visit you will see how easy this is.
Schedule: Unfortunately it is reduced because we could not get all the slots we wanted, but there is plenty of room in this studio so please come on the days we have available Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 6pm Saturday 4pm Sunday 9.30am. (Sad No Tue/Thur eves or morns 🙁 )) We displayed January in the photos on fb so you can visualize the schedule and we will post February which will be similar on fb near that time and after that nothing will change. We will keep slips/schedules handouts up at Langford if anyone needs.
Booking, procedures, policies the same: however right now we need to demonstrate that we are making maximum effort to keep YM going as a business and that means for the duration of works we will not be able to accommodate any concessions, rewards or Yoga Gives (see our website for what Yoga Gives meant to us). This pains us but we must be sensible right now. We beg your understanding of what it means to work for yourself and keep a small business going in Jersey.
PLEASE. Don’t turn up too early folks: unlike YM where one could come straight from work to chill (or warm up) for an hour before class this room is really expensive and we cannot afford to pay for what now seems like a luxury, aim to turn up no more than 15 minutes prior to start time.
Heavy Sweaters: (this is ALWAYS a compliment in Bikram Yoga world 🙂 ). Please bring your own mats. We just won’t have the facilities/ability to treat/keep/carry soaked mats and will not be able to store them. It would really help us out if you are self sufficient on that front.
New Practitioners: Please familiarize yourself with what a Bikram Yoga class is, there is so much information on our website including a talk through a whole class and how to prepare for a first class. (For our regulars you might be surprised to know that, yes, sometimes new practitioners don’t even know that they have turned up to if they have come with a friend, didn’t know it is hot and 90 minutes. So please if you are telling friends about us, please direct them to our website so they can familiarize).
Personal Belongings: For security reasons, belongings/bags will be kept in the Yoga Room (plenty of space) during the class. Please don’t leave anything outside the classroom on the benches or in the changing rooms (no lockers); we cannot take responsibility for any personal belongings.
YM Rue De Funchal Studio Updates: {para update 15/1/19} We will keep you updated via fb of the different stages of studio recovery. We regret we may not be able to engage with practitioners asking about it at Langford but we are sure you all appreciate that time prior to class is for checking in practitioners and getting new people settled; you don’t want to be listening to our woes if you have come to class to de-stress. We have already had the experience of feeling like we are trying to walk up hill backwards in high heels to get things moving in relation to ‘the party wall’, never mind our studio; it is not an interesting tale to be dwelling in but we promise, the minute we have a significant update on the studio we will share it. We are in part at the mercy of forces beyond our control in this process but we will be pushing to get back to where we were asap.
This will be ‘BARE BONES BIKRAM’ but we hope you will see the essentials WILL be there. We will do everything we can to make this transition easier for you. We will continue to keep you posted in relation to your Bikram Yoga practice in every way we can. We know not all our practitioners are online but we will contact as many as we can individually. Unfortunately our phone broke in the middle of all this and we lost contacts and history. We do not take or keep email addresses so personal notifications may be very few and certainly anyone who has not been for six months will not be on our radar so please will you share this information to your Bikram Yogi friends if you think they haven’t heard. Thank you for reading and bearing with us and sharing.
Trisha & Darren
Yoga Matters
19 December 2018
Comments 1
Stay strong, I’m so sad & horrified by this trauma. My God, dear Trisha, I wish I could help. You are in my prayers. Xxxxx