So. 12/4/21. ‘GUIDANCE’ IS STILL WITH US. Risk Assessments, Mitigation Plans and Protocols are STILL WITH US and Gov’t still expects us to promote: …“PHYSICAL DISTANCING AND CLEANLINESS… AT THE BEGINNING AND THROUGH ALL CLASSES” : In the spirit of gov’t guidance WE CONTINUE with our mitigation practices appropriate to our premises… We are well aware however that, just like last year, as the summer months come upon us, diligent and all as we may be every single class, the world outside YM Yoga School may/probably start to relax and the contrast between our mitigating protocols on premises and what practitioners experience elsewhere may show up; a few may start to grumble/protest our protocols (we really hope not, in an ideal world we will all sing from the same hymn sheet). This is when our ‘cv protocols’ job gets hard, we are just trying to do right by our community and our practitioners; we want all of us to stay well, we want to keep our doors open. We respectfully ask all who plan to walk through our purple doors to {continue to} engage with our mitigating practices for as long as gov’t guidance remains as is; it is in all our interests. OF COURSE 🙂 we expect our gov’t to be alert to continue to ‘amend’ the guidance to reflect what is happening in our island (all appears to be going in right direction) and to gradually ‘release us’ from the duties and obligations imposed upon us by them.
REMINDER: SOME PRACTICES WERE/ARE ETERNAL: they were always there pre-covid but got brought to the fore and will remain as part of essential Yoga practices/etiquettes.
~SWEATIQUETTES: heavy sweaters always had to have their own mat and 2 towels; you gotta take care of your own puddles folks; there is only so much you can expect from your class fee
~PAYING FOR CLASSES: unless you are one of our long term supporting practitioners (to whom we are eternally grateful) then pay in advance online promptly at all times when you Add Product (Process: 1. Add Product 2. Pay Online 3. Book or Waitlist Class)
~NO DEVICES IN YOGA SCHOOL: do all your texting/devicing/phonecalls outside of YM; devices (smartwatches fitbits phones) are not permitted in Yoga class (device free Yoga school). Please don’t create a bottleneck situation; ‘distancing’ doesn’t accommodate people standing around in Lobby or Reception using their devices. ALSO the Reception area is our workspace and where other practitioners transition into the Yoga studio; none of us want to be overhearing the private phone conversations of others
~AWARENESS: of the practitioners around you and accommodating their needs where you possible can; Practice Raja Yoga (Yamas & Niyamas); you are, after all, in Yoga School 🙂
~CURTESY ~ arrive on time: practitioners must arrive at the latest 2mins before class starts; we lock the door 2mins pre class. That precious 2 minutes is the instructor’s time to: check everyone is in the room, check security, turn off a few things, turn on a few things, take a visual check of the Yogaroom/practitioners to make sure all is in order and to then focus/get mindset ready for teaching all those who turned up on time; cover protocols and demo pranayama if any new people (A LOT TO DO in 2mins!). ‘One off’ scenarios aside, Please! don’t think it is ok to regularly expect to take that important 2mins away and put the instructor under pressure for your own lateness. Class must start on time. Please don’t cause stress for yourself by not planning for time to get to class (stress is not good for your immune system)
~CURTESY ~ arm actions: Arms should not be flung around in practice, all arm actions should be ‘managed’ / ‘controlled’
~MOMOYOGA: is here to stay. All the Updated Policies, Terms, Procedures that go along with booking, cancellation, waitlisting were highly promoted, advertised by us (all over our website/fb) and they are here to stay too. Enjoy! Our Terms are our personal boundaries and describe how we are prepared to offer our services. For the vast majority of our beloved practitioners they are no biggie. If they are a ‘biggie’ for you please then do pause and consider your options, perhaps travel further afield to find something that will fit in better with your vision of how you would like things to be for you
~PERSONAL/RESPIRATORY HYGIENE: the days of coughing into hands are over and no coughing out into the ether either! Yogis please prepare/attend to this; (have the tissues, use the elbow crook). YOGI PAUSE now: consciously engage with your existing respiratory hygiene habits; do they need improving? In our highly controlled environment every thing, every action is visible and anything that is outside the norm stands out to the instructors and other practitioners even if we don’t blink, look or pass remark; all unusual action or lack of action will have registered mentally. We TRUST our practitioners to handle this themselves and be all over the best current hygiene habits/practices/advice and to BE SELF REGULATING, thank you
~HAND WASHING: we will keep the single use (reusable) hand towels but they should be put ‘in’ the laundry basket (not ‘on’ the laundry basket) and PLEASE don’t throw them in the toilet bins and PLEASE don’t throw used ones over the wall basket of lovely clean rolled up towels contaminating the lot
~HAND SANITISING: is still with us and we will keep sanitiser around the studio: Lobby entry, Reception, by Doors in studio.
~SYMPTOMATIC YOGIS: Please do not enter our premises if you are displaying any symptoms of cv or any type of flu.
! IMPORTANT ! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF OUR YOGI FRIENDS: We have all been following sanitizing/distancing protocols all over the Island for over a year now and been extra zealous in our personal hygiene protocols. We are a bit concerned that some of these processes may have reduced all of our normal immune system defences. Now that behaviours may change as people get more relaxed we are going to be immediately more ‘exposed’. A variety of opportunistic illness may be waiting to take advantage of lowered immunities. Right now we need to be extra vigilant whilst rebuilding those immune defences. Do endeavour to strengthen yours and keep it strong; there is tons of online information. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF SO YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF THE WORLD
Trisha & Darren