“You are lightness itself”… remember that? said often in class, to remind you… to remind me… we are but ‘matter’ (mere quarks and gluons). The thing we all have in common, apart from fact that we take up space? The fundamental truth? We are all made of energy (you know… E=mc2)… we are all made of light… biophotons not discernable to the naked eye but essentially we are humans that glow.
Sometimes ‘events’ diminish our light… but us Bikram Yogis know how to change that in the space of 90 minutes… one class to shift our energy and we are ‘lighter’ again… Our practice is sooooo much not least it is the most practical way I can think of to honor ourSelves and bring us back to light quickly: we come together in one class – that is all it takes to elevate our energy, elevate our lives and get back out there with our little lights.
In the immortal words of Moby: “Slowly rebuilding, I feel it in me, Growing in numbers, Growing in Peace, People they come together, People they fall apart, NO ONE CAN STOP US NOW, ‘Cos we are all made of stars”
We are all made of stars We are all made of stars We are all made of stars We are all made of stars We are all made of stars We are all made of stars We are all made of stars We are all made of stars
We hope you liked our Christmas gift to you this year Yogi friends. Thank you for coming to Yoga Matters ~ Thank you for your presence.
Om Om Om Let There be Light ! Our Christmas WISH for you: If you do find an empty space? ~ May You fill it with ~ SPARKLE TWINKLE SHINE LUMINOSITY ~ STILLNESS & LOVE ~
Have a Cool Yule everyone; it’s gonna be HOT again soon.
Love Darren & Trisha xx Bikram Yogis know we don’t sweat we SPARKLE! #happyshinypeople #lovetheoriginalhotyoga #90minutes #jerseyhotyogaschool #yogamattersjersey #inpursuitofstillness #lovetheoriginalhotyoga #bikramyogajersey #hotyogajersey #bikramyogasthelier #classichotyoga #loveyoga #lovetheheat #loveym #jerseychannelislands #resilience #sanctuary #liveyouryoga #bikramyogamatters