A. Take more Yoga 🙂
Q. Where? A. Brighton, Bikram inthe Lanes (a change is as good as a rest!) Q. With Who? A. Mary Jarvis teacher extraordinaire 🙂 Q. When? A. I will be gone Friday, Saturday and Sunday; Darren will look after all your Yoga needs over the weekend so SCHEDULE as NORMAL at YM :).
Take solace in the fact that I will probably be suitable tortured in 3 x 2 hour intensive classes and 2 days of workshops. Q. But Why? A. MJ was one of my favourite teachers when I did my Bikram TT in 2001, I found her story inspiring and so when I heard she was in Brighton, probably as close as I am ever going to get her, I couldn’t miss the opportunity to hear her voice again. It will be nice to soak up the atmosphere and I hope to pick up a few tips too.
The asanas are a means to an end; they are not the goal in themselves. Whilst we work on the 26/2 diligently and this sequence doesn’t EVER change, the people I am teaching do change. On their personal Yoga journey from class to class they evolve; because of this my approach to teaching is ‘I am teaching PEOPLE, not bodies, not postures, I am not reciting a pile of words’.
So, I am teaching people in their unique bodies ~ this focus helps me prioritize the individual student needs and their body’s needs (age, ability). The resulting posture, carried out the right way, becomes unique and ideal to them. AS I am presented with a variety of people 🙂 in every class at our dynamic studio there is always something new to be learned so I can respond better to the needs of those in front of me. You know THE best way to learn and understand Yoga is by getting ‘on the mat’. This weekend under the guidance of a Master teacher I hope to learn something new to help take me deeper into my practice and if I do 🙂 you will be the first I will share it with to see if any of it can be applied to your practice.
I am excited and hopeful. I feel like a kid, 🙂 like I just got started.
Om Om Om Yours,
I want to BE a Yogi when I grow up,
Trisha X