
We are always studying our art (either formally or privately). Sometimes we attend the formal trainings for, as much as anything else, catching up with old friends/peers, as well as reminding ourselves of the fundamentals and trying to relive the joy of those initial years of discovering this ‘something wonderful’. We veer between LOVING what we do and being absolutely potty about it :)! . So you can see why we are ALWAYS hoping for new insights that we can share with you in your practice when we attend trainings/workshops.

The 26/2 has a very distinct lineage and whilst we explore all lineages we will continue to give particular attention to this one and refine our teaching skills to better aid the practitioners who choose YM and the simple but very effective ‘Bikram method’ for their own physical therapy and/or wellness needs. Hey! If it is not broken why fix it! We remain true to this method.

So this time it is Darren’s turn to pop off the rock for an update. He will be attending a seminar/workshop on the broader range of asanas from the Ghosh / Bikram lineage. Bishnu Ghosh (brother of Paramahansa Yogananda) was Bikram’s guru. Daz will be gone for 4 days but he will be back for his classes on Thursday. I will miss him. Please come keep me company at the studio whilst he is away and help me keep my mind off his absence.
Om Om Om My Goodness Golly GHOSH ! 🙂