Looky Looky
Get ready world – a new batch of Bikram teachers comin’ off the training soon. I know why they are spending ‘$11,000+the rest’ and putting themselves through NINE weeks of INTENSIVE training. When I did mine I had saved for years to be able to enroll and even then at the last stage I had to get a loan. It was worth every penny, every sacrifice. Opinions abound about Bikram, the man, the Yoga, the sequence, the heat, the corporate. I don’t care. I will be backbending the Bikram way ‘til my dying day. I don’t care that it took me 10 years to be able to ‘interlock my ten fingers and grab the right foot in front of me, 3 inches below the Toes, hold it, nice and tight grip’. I can do it now. What’s 10 years in a lifetime of practice. It’s nothing. Remember, we are all living a lot longer now whether we want to or not! I’ll still be in the business of propagating Yoga and helping people grasp their foot with interlaced fingers in my dotage and hopefully in their dotage too!
Om Om Om Teaching and Learning. Same Thing.
PS Bikram Yoga is HOT but not all Hot Yoga is BIKRAM !