CHECK CHECK! Are you listeNING?
In his inimitable fashion Bikram has delivered another seminar in gay Paris. He doesn’t know how to swim, he invented disco and has just recorded a track with Snoop Dog !!! it’s his way or the high way and he doesn’t mind telling you “I love myself; that’s why I can love every other human being in the world”. We have just had a fabulous, memorable weekend with the Yoga master. He treated his teachers to a Thai feast on Friday night at Mme Shawns; we were on the table next to him and his entourage; he blew me a kiss 🙂 (blush).
In his talk he covered everything from the eight-fold path including yamas and niyamas to what REALLY happens in your body when you scratch your nose (you had to be there for that one :)).
He told us WHAT to do and HOW to do it and reminded us 99% right is 100% wrong. He sang for us. He danced for us. He made us laugh.
There was a lovely sense of Yoga community. We met some old acquaintances and made some new ones and have come back rearing to go and looking forward to tomorrow night’s class (schedule back to normal).
SO! Hope to see you all soon. Much Love. Trisha & Darren