The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Aah dusting: an excellent way to re-acquaint yourself with classics; THIS ONE has had its 3 readings šŸ™‚ first early 90s and it truly DID bring big CHANGE to my world; last reading was a ‘non-event’ POSSIBLY because I had truly listened to the teachings from the first 2 readings and had assimilated them like an affirmation! (i.e. I no longer need to judge the words; somewhere along the line I had accepted them as truth and had total confidence in the teachings). Back in the 90s I felt it was full of treasure so I gifted this book many times. Now I donā€™t want to spoil your read by revealing too much of what I think I assimilated from it but I will just share a few ā€˜littleā€™ things to whet your appetite for the read perhaps?Ā  It was definitely my first introduction to the concept of ā€˜mindfullnessā€™ pre my Yoga practice days and the importance of giving ā€˜full attentionā€™ to the experience; This in turn makes it easier to hear ā€˜the detailā€™ in Yogasana instructions and in turn find the detail in your body. Assimilating ā€˜Mindfullnessā€™ is part and parcel of your Bikram Yoga practice.

ā€œYour business is not to ā€˜get somewhereā€™ ~ it is to be hereā€ Stay present; there are no ordinary moments.

ā€œLife comes at us in waves. We canā€™t predict or control those waves, but we can learn to surfā€ You can only control your effort not the outcome.

CULTIVATE a simple life of few desires ~ that way you will always have enough.

ā€œthe routine looked good but you did a sloppy job taking the tape offā€ šŸ™‚Ā  (love this) How you do anything is how you do everything!Ā  PRACTICE EVERYTHING: You may understand it but do you REALISE IT. Do you LIVE IT.

And finally possible the most important TWO questions and TWO CORRECT ANSWERS you should always ask yourself!

Q: Does it matter? A: Yes.

Q: Does it matter? A: No.

Iā€™ll leave you to ponder that oneā€¦

Om Om Om Live Your Yoga



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